Tonight I spent 2.5 hours shaving Daniel's favorite sweatshirt. For some reason about 2 months ago we got possessed to wash a mirco-fiber plush cream blanket with 2 of Daniel's hoodies, which resulted in me in front of the T.V. with my fine toothed dog brush, masking tape roller and my venus razor going to town on that ONE hoodie. After 2 hours I figured the other one can wait, he will hopefully not need both in Texas! AHHH
Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Posted by Kaitlyn at 5:41 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Just '4' things....
4 RANDOM things about Daniel~~
4 Jobs I've had ~~
4~ Nanny in Washington FABULOUS time
Posted by Kaitlyn at 10:39 PM 2 comments
Friday, October 24, 2008
Posted by Kaitlyn at 7:12 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Finally it's happened to me....
So this is my honey in Basic Training.... I have been meaning to write but nothing seemed to come to my head, and the emotions I have about Daniel being gone are strong and very personnal. Daniel has been gone since October 7th and that pretty much was the last time we talked. And I was so worried about the whole shaved head thing like I would be all freaked out or something.... wrong-o- I think he looks great! Wowee. Everyday I write him a little more and the first letter/book was 11 pages and the second one was 7 pages, and this one I'm working on is 2.5 pages! I write him when I wake up, get home from work and then right before I go to bed. I try not to change the things we did daily, so he kinda knows what's going on with me.... Sunday's are the perspective calling days so I thought, well after another Sunday came and went with no phone call I started to get a little sad. Today was a hard day for me. I have received nothing from him no letters or anything. (except a STRICT 2 minute brief of his address) For some reason today as I was getting ready to put my cash drawer away I had this feeling to turn on the ringer on my celly, just then I was in the back room and I heard my phone ring which as popular as one thinks I am.... IT NEVER RINGS. I ran and answered it.... ahhh TEXAS was calling me... and my sweet honeys voice on the other end, on a random Tuesday!!!! HALELUA I was dying! He said I got a 10 minute phone call which they call "patio time" he had the cleanest locker (rock on)!!! Our phone call lasted 14 minutes and 32 seconds, it was AWESOME. I love talking to him, we laughed we cried it was fantastic. I was able to ask him all the questions I was dying to.
He is doing great, he said "guess how much I weigh?" 201!!!! PUKE guess that means I'll be UP IN THE GYM JUST WORKIN ON MY FITNESS.... He was sick and has been sick since 3 days after he got there, so that mixed with him being hoarse from yelling I couldn't really recognize his voice.... unless he laughed or said some key Daniel lines. He said "his voice was wacked out!" He said that he is good and shhhh.... but it's all pretty easy. But you know he is 27 and has had life expreiences and Daniel has been working his butt off for this, so he is pretty much in shape already. He even said he has only been yelled at 3 times... ONLY! Not bad I guess. well only 4 weeks left and we just can't wait!!!! He sounds happy and he has written me 3 letters... YEAH I can't wait. He said he has to sneak them because phone calls and letter writing are considered "PRIVELEGES" I just can't wait!
Posted by Kaitlyn at 6:01 PM 4 comments
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Today marks day 5 of my days without my honey. Monday we went to Butte Montana (which is a pretty neat town) lots of old buildings and houses but not much for food and stuff. Monday night all I wanted was a Jamba Juice or some sort of fresh fruit smoothie, we drove all over that stinkin town and nothing, I finally asked someone and I was told that the mall had smoothies so we track down the mall, go inside, find the deli thing which did have smoothies! yes finally We were dying for one! We get to the counter and I ask the girl if they had smoothies and her reply was "can I be honest with you? they are made with fresh fruit but they have lots of sugar in them!!!" "but I can still make you one?" our response umm no that's okay see ya. My honey is a saint to deal with me sometimes, all that hunt for a delicious smoothie and now all we found was fruit flavored sugar. Daniel was a little offended we couldn't figure out if she was too lazy to make them or she was helping us watch our figures, well either way we went to Taco Hell and got some pintos & cheese which Daniel had never had, and is brilliant!
This may seem strange to those of you who aren't dog people but proceed.... before Daniel left he sat our dogs down, looked then in the eyes and gave them a "be good and protect mom talk" He told them that every night when I wash my face to hang out by me because I always get scared and Daniel always stayed in the bathroom with me with his hand on my back so I knew he was there, Now Teddy lays in the bathroom wiht me nightly and they have really been good dogs even though I'm sure they are sad that daddy left it's really like they know they need to PROTECT me. I love it.
I hadn't heard anything from my honey since Tuesday when he got to Basic, but tonight The Missionaries at the AFB he is at called me to say that my husband is doing great, and they are sending me pictures and stuff. His contact with the outside world is limited so they make it more possible to keep in touch. Happy sabbath! That is what I needed, just any word and THEY SAW HIM!!!! Im excited again, scared about life but excited. It's wacky that I am a Military wife, it doesn't feel real. I'm super excited to see him in his uniform! They had 16 members at church today there at basic! They had a Fast & Testimony meeting, which I would have loved to be a fly on the wall there! WOW!!! I love this Gospel what a blessing it is to have it in our lives, it's our unshakable bond!
Posted by Kaitlyn at 9:07 PM 4 comments
Friday, October 3, 2008
Posted by Kaitlyn at 7:30 AM 4 comments